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dosing [2023/12/13 01:53] – created kindredseerdosing [2023/12/15 19:59] (current) kindredseer
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 There are many terms used to describe a particular size of dose, often based on the intended purpose, but they typically refer to a range of dose since everyone's sensitivity is different. It is recommended to err on the side of caution, and start with a smaller dose. There are many terms used to describe a particular size of dose, often based on the intended purpose, but they typically refer to a range of dose since everyone's sensitivity is different. It is recommended to err on the side of caution, and start with a smaller dose.
 +=== Reality Sandwich Dosing Chart ===
 +The following chart is based on one found on [[https://www.monsterchildren.com/articles/5-things-to-know-before-your-first-mushroom-trip|Monster Children]], which is apparently based on an original chart from Reality Sandwich's [[https://realitysandwich.com/magic-mushroom-dosage-guide/|Magic Mushroom Dosage Guide]]:
-{{ :psilocybin_experiences_by_dosage.svg |}}+\\ 
 +{{ :psilocybin_experiences_by_dosage.svg?95&units:%&print |}}